Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kimombasa-Day 1- Rome,GA team

Today was a food distribution day, month 5 out of 6.  Many of these ladies, and it nearly always is mostly ladies who are the neediest in the community, have already heard the gospel.  Many of them have been attending a Bib. study or a house chrch and many of them have already become believers.

Our task today was to get the food to them,  (This is a 60 lb. bad of posho, rice, beans, and oil--enough to last an average family of 6 for one month.) visit to see how they are doing,  share testimonies, and pr@y with them about their needs.
I have recently been given Mama Kits to hand out.  These kits have everything necessary to deliver a baby, whether at home or at the hospital.  Most of these ladies do go to a hospital but don’t have the money for it.  I noticed one pregnant lady at the distribution and saw that she was in the group that we would be visiting.
We made a couple of visits and saw that we had only a few minutes before we were suppose to go back to meet the rest of the team.  I still wanted to give the Mama kit away so we searched until we found Fatuma.  She was so thankful.

Her story:  She has five children and one on the way. She is the second wife.   Because of the food distribution she has been attending a Bib. study and she knows and understands the gospel.  Now she just wanted to know the steps to take to become a believer.  Lynn questioned her some then led her through the steps. 
We asked her what would happen when her Muslim husband found out.  She told us that he does not support her and only occasionally gives money for the children.  She is the one who is responsible for the family and she can make her own decision.  She has now done that and is now a ‘child of the Father’.  

Two of Fatuma's children

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