Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lifeway Church, cont

Sunday morning worship.

Lynn was the guest pastor today. He is really becoming a good preacher. We are so thankful for the Christian men who are the interpreters. They know the Bible and can explain when the translation sometimes gets stuck.

This is the Sunday School. Not quite activity-based yet, but then neither are the schools. In school, children sit at their desks and copy into their notebooks the notes that are placed on the board. (even 1st and 2nd graders) But classes may have 60-70 children and only 1 teacher so it is a matter of necessity and management. We have a lack of Sunday School materials. Of course, we can always get churches to send some but that isn't the best. I have a dream that maybe we can get some Ugandan writers to start writing the materials for our classes.

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Lifeway Church

This is Lifeway Baptist Church. This is a rented building but a good one for this congregation. They have room for worship and a room for Sunday School.

Who could resist a picture like this?

This is Emma and Joel. They help out with worship and Joel is in charge of the Sunday School. Here, SS is for children. Adults have Bible study. Both of these guys are going to the seminary so that they can be pastors. Joel has just gotten some training and materials that he would like to share with other churches. He has to wait for the means.

Worship always includes drums. Lifeway had 3 and their youth were playing them. The good thing about drums is that you never have to worry about electricity or technology. They always sing in a key that is good for everyone. They are always right on beat.
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ugandan terminology

I borrowed this from our summer missionary. After being here a while one forgets that the rest of the world doesn't always understand the terms we use all the time. This is pretty random but fun.

Fun Stuff We’ve Eaten:
Grasshoppers & caterpillars (grasshoppers are much better but often a little oily because they are fried)
Goat Kababs and Stew
Italian Ice Cream
The best pineapples, bananas, papayas and mangoes

Facts About Kampala, Uganda to Note:

· Mzungu- White person (sometimes kids are told we will eat them- so some are scared of us)

· Boda Boda- Motorcycle taxi

· Taxi – mini-buses that carry supposedly not more than 14 people.

· There are over 100 slums in Kampala

· Soweto- A slum in Kampala,Uganda- location of Pastor Thomas and the two Bible studies I teach
Naguru- A slum in Kampala Uganda. Where Lynn has a Bible study going.

Nateete – Another slum area where we work.

· Shillings are the currency here (paper money like in the US- not shells). 2,000 shillings equals about 1 USD . in May we got new paper money that is colorful and smaller. (still reminds me of monopoly money)

· Compound- a gated home usually with high walls surrounding it and barbed wire or cut glass on the top.

· Witch Doctors (yes, they really exist.) They sacrifice children (which is against the law), so in order to keep them away from children, families make them impure by piercing the children’s ears.

· Kampala the city sits on multiple hills. We live UP the hill from where we park our car on the compound. It is quite an exercise.

· Uganda is called the Pearl of Africa. It is green and beautiful .

· The women of Uganda bow to the ground on one knee to greet their husbands and guests. More true in the villages than in Kampala. Kampala is quickly becoming “westernized” in lots of ways.

· The people of Uganda always shake hands and they sometimes hold hands while you are talking until you’re finished.

· African wounds/ African Massage refers to the bad roads/ potholes that make it feel like you’re off- roading in the mountains or something, when you’re really just going to the grocery store!

· Muslims are very prevalent.

· Water heaters are necessary for showers and must be turned on(like a light switch) 1 hour before shower. (We have 3 – for the bathrooms and kitchen. Electricity is expensive so we have to remember to turn them off)

· Water must be purified in order to brush teeth and drink. Bottled water is readily available. Thanks to our WMU ladies in the States every family is furnished a filtering container.

· Milk is pasteurized in a way that it does not have to be refrigerated until after opened. It is amazing to see boxes of milk sitting on the shelves.

· It is normal for women to breastfeed their children while talking to you.

· Picking your nose in public is ok.

· American brands are used here for names of mom & pop shops- such as Disney World being a children’s day care.

· Types of bread: Salt, brown & white. No preservatives so it doesn’t last long.

· Sidedishes are the multiple women partners of married men.

· Air time is the amount of money you have on your phone. There are no landlines and no cell phone plans. You can buy cards to upload minutes – so prepaid. Good idea.

· SMS (Short Message Service) is a text message.
Flash calling or Beeping is when a person just calls and hangs up- it costs no money and notifies them that you need them.

Many kids want to be doctors and nurses.

Our Anniversary

Lynn remembered our anniversary!! He brought this beautiful arrangement home the day before. He wanted to make sure he didn't forget. 31 years of marriage. Sounds like a long time but it has passed fast. We are thankful for the good years God has given us. Three children and two grandchildren. We are truly blessed. And now we are on an adventure so our next few years will be even more eventful.
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