Saturday, November 7, 2009

We are almost to the half-way point in our training. It has been so good so far. Two weekends ago our assignment was to go without electricity for the whole weekend because it is quite common to be without for hours or days in our country. It doesn't seem like it should be a hard task but it was challenging especially since the sun goes down so early. I hurried to get as many things done before lights went out and set our phones to use as the alarm clock. We had our flashlights to walk around and even to read by, but we went to bed much earlier than usual. Lynn was brave and had a coooold shower but I decided to wait. You should try it!

What I have enjoyed most is having lunch and discussion times with our affinity group (that is, all the countries in the Sub-Sahara area) The missionaries that have been with us have shared stories and experiences from their own times. They have been so encouraging and yet realistic about what we will face. We will go through culture shock, they say, no matter how well we think we have learned new ways. We are hoping that you all will write us and pray for us continually especially during the first few months.

We are enjoying the beautiful fall days here. The leaves are now beginning to fall but they have been glorious in yellows, golds, and reds. Nights and mornings are cold but the days are nice!
Yesterday we got the first of our immunizations. Only three today. The MKs (children) got their faces painted and we got our "Barbie" and "camouflage" bandaids.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Setting Up A Prayer Network

Jan and I were blessed to sell our home. Thank you to those of you who voiced prayers for the sale. The sale closed on June 20th. Jan had already flown to Plano, Texas to meet our household goods and place them in storage while I stayed behind to close the deal. I was able to visit my mother and the rest of my family in Tacoma for a few days before driving to Plano.

My drive was wonderful even with all of the road construction. I was able to stop off in Pullman, WA to visit my son Nathan and daughter-in-law Amye and our only grandchild Keegan. I was able to go fishing with my son and grandson. The catching wasn't real great but the fishin' was outstanding for I was with one of my sons and my only grandson. I stayed there for a few days and then continued on to Texas. I was able to see again the wonders of Yellowstone Park and the beauty of the Teton Mountains.

I was able to meet Jan in Oklahoma City at Jan's mother's home. We were glad to be together again. We visited there for a few days and then traveled to Plano. We have been very busy since getting to Plano trying to get all the odds and ends tied up.

Our daughter Charissa set a date to get married during the month of December. As we are tentatively scheduled to leave for the for Uganda on Jan. 4th, that meant a quick trip to Georgia to visit her. Dad had fun visiting her and playing with her dog Athena while mom and daughter planned for the wedding.

On our return to Plano we have been busy trying to set up a network of churches for prayer support. This has been one of our assignments to get finished before we attend the FPO in Oct-Dec.. We appreciate those pastors and individuals that have agreed to serve as contact people while we are serving in Uganda.

Please pray for the people of Kampala to whom we will be ministering. Ask that God would prepare our hearts to be useful servants for Him.

Phil. 4:6 Be anxious for nothing....let your requests be made known.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Getting Ready to Serve in Uganda

As we prepare to leave to leave Elma, Wa. for Kampala there are so many things to do and say. We have been blessed to have served for 29 years in this community. It's very difficult to say goodbye to coworkers, fellow servants in the teaching community that have played such a great part in the lives of our family. Our three children have grown and flourished in this place and Jan and I thank you all for that.

To the members of Bethany Baptist Church, we are greatful that you have allowed us to serve at Bethany for so many years. We hope to be able to share with the people of Kampala the love that you have shown to us. We ask that you continue to lift us up in prayer as we serve the children of Kampala.

Pray that God will continue prepare our hearts and minds for this opportunity to serve Him. Pray that the hearts of the children would be open to receive the Gospel of Christ. Pray that God the Father would keep us healthy as we learn to serve Him there. Pray that we will be found faithful in all God leads us to do. Pray that we will be bold in our efforts to share the love of Christ with all we meet. Thank you for being faithful in the work at Bethany, the prayers, and in the offerings you have given to missions that that have made it possible for Jan and I to go to Kampala.

Romans 12:1 (The Message)

Romans 12

Place Your Life Before God
1-2 So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.