Tuesday, February 14, 2012

God's Grace Orphanage School

January 16, 2012
Recently I heard about an orphanage in Kampala from my house worker Madinah.  She told me that a lady name Maria had 40 children who were orphans and 40 more that she was trying to help.  (Maria used to be married but she could not get pregnant.  For her and many others here that often means the end of a marriage.)

Madinah, Maria, and volunteer

Maria did not want children here to suffer the same kind of childhood that she had had so about five years ago she started helping children in the street.  Two years ago she found this building and it has become God’s Grace Orphanage School.  Although she has had people to help her, as far as I can tell, she has had no consistent backing from an organization or church.


She has 7 volunteers who run a school by day.  

My friend Sarah in one of the class/bedrooms
By night the schoolrooms  each become a bedroom  -- Just pull out the foam mattresses that are stacked by the wall. 

This little girl had the measles

Maria said that they do not know where food and help will come from.  When they have a need they go into the room that is designated as the “church” and pray.  She says that in an hour or two, sometimes more, the food (or whatever help) shows up.  “It is by God’s grace that we are here.”

Maria and the kids knew we were coming today.  When we said that we had brought food and we wanted to pray for them, they all went into the church to sing, worship, and pray.  One little 10-year old girl was called on to pray.  They call  her “musumba”  (preacher) because she prays so fervently.

Church - Time of Praise and Prayer

While they were still in the church I took the opportunity to look around at the property to see have they have and what they are doing with it.  They are renting the place but haven’t paid anything in a year.  There was another unfinished building on the property that I asked about.  I was told if they ever get the money they will try to finish it for classrooms.  

I also saw their outdoor kitchen.  Today they had enough food for all -- matooke (cooked bananas) and beans.

Cooking lunch for about 40

Finally it was time to get the beans and posho that we had brought.  The bean bag weighs about 200-250 lbs and each of the smaller posho bags weighed about 50 lbs.  The children rushed to do their part to help. 

Who can carry these heavy bags?
We can make it look easy

They were glad we had come and so were we.  The leaders gave coworker, Greg, a rooster in appreciation for the food.  We, in turn, gave the rooster to Madinah who had led us to Maria and the orphanage kids.

Maria and the children saying thanks

Leaders present Greg with a rooster.

Miscellaneous photos of the kids. 


I am holding Cathy.  She did NOT want me to put her down.

Always a ready smile.



  1. Good posts, thanks for sharing! Could you tell us more about your volunteering experience?
    We have found this:


    is this the orphanage you volunteered in?

    Here we write about Volunteerism and keep people up to date:

