Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pure Joy International Ladies Retreat

 At the beginning of March 49 missionary ladies and I  went to the beautiful Speke Hotel for the Pure Joy International Ladies Retreat.  From the moment we arrived I could see that this was something different.  This team of ladies from the States greeted us by name (we had sent them our pictures when we registered), carried our bags to our rooms, and started getting to know us. The next couple of days were amazing.  They showered us with gifts, goodies, cards from prayer supporters, and time to get to know each other.

The participants were from all over Uganda.  Some had been here many years some were relatively new.  Some worked in Bible colleges,  some in orphanages, some did church planting,  some were in schools, some worked with women and/ or children and some with other ministries.  We now have contacts with so many different ministries in all parts of the country (and Kenya).

The worship time led by Patty,  along with Penny and Becky was awesome.  We heard some amazing stories from Sharon from her time as a missionary in Ecuador. Janet talked to us about our marriages and families as she shared about her family.  So practical!!  The founder and  leader, Vickie, gave us valuable nuggets of truth as we talked about husbands, children, marriage, communication, ourselves--our ministries and who we are. We talked, laughed, shared, relaxed, laughed, and felt “narded”. (John 12:3)
Patty, Becky, Penny - our awesome Worship Team

Vickie sharing a "nugget"

 Pure Joy International has 2 to 3 retreats each year that they take to different parts of the world, depending where the Lord shows them.  9 ladies came -- all paying their own way and all brought together by the Father to make each retreat unique.  And behind the scenes were prayer partners and sponsors who shared their resources and talents with the rest of us.  What a blessing they are.  Check out their blog -- Pure Joy International blog.  They are always looking for people to be a part of the team.

                    Thank you,  Penny, Vickie, Becky, Sharon, Colleen, Janet, Kathy, Patty, and Kathy (Boots)not shown
                                            We were all so encouraged and lifted up beyond what we ever dreamed!

1 comment:

  1. I got your newsletter this morning and was very excited to come check out your blog! Thanks for letting us pray for you!
