Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lucy's school in Tororo

A team of 11 headed to Tororo, a four-hour drive east of Kampala.  This was a follow-up to a trip we took there in March.  Last time we had a teacher in-service training and lots of teacher materials were brought in.  A roof was put on a pole building to make a covered school.

This time the men sanded and painted 18 desks for the school.  It’s not enough for everyone but it was a good start.  

We had games, crafts, and Bible stories for the children.  They loved coloring and making flowers out of coffee filters and pipe cleaners.

We got to serve lunch to everyone - matooke (cooked bananas), rice, beans.  In March  we watched the children eat porridge (like cream of wheat) with leaves.  Lately they haven’t had enough food to serve the children anything so they have been cutting the school day and sending the children home.

The highlight for me was handing out dresses to the girls and shorts and tee shirts to the boys. With their crowns that they decorated and their new clothes they looked like princes and princesses.

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