Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Christmas Project

Dec 17-19, 2011

At the beginning of 2011our KUT team (Kampala Urban Team) began  to plan for the year.  As a team we had planned 4 projects. Three were accomplished and we had one to go:  food baskets for the pastors  and the girls Jan works with.  As we talked about it, it soon expanded to include some of the people in Lynn and Gene’s training groups who had been so faithful during the year.
Before we knew what was happening we soon had 4 tons of beans,  about  1200 kilos of posho, and 600 kilos of rice ready to bag up and deliver to those identified and now including the churches that we would be working with when our team from WA arrived.

250 lb bags of beans,  75 & 150 lb bags of posho and rice

Definitely messy work

Lynn, Angela, and I spent the last two days before the team arrived bagging.  Beans and rice, dirty, but easy to bag.  Posho was another story.  (It is fine flour made of corn which the people boil to the consistency of playdough.  It is eaten by hand and used to dip into other foods and sauce.)  As we bagged it the posho hung in the air, and for me personally, I could barely breathe.  Allergies went wild--sneezing and dripping nose.
Lynn moved and opened the heavy bags

Team member Angela

A few less big bags

It was finally bagged into individual bags and ready to take to the churches and the Agape Children’s Village (orphanage owned by one of our Baptist churches)

Individual green bags packed to hand out.

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