Saturday we went to Musana Orphanage which is almost three hours away. We chose that one because it is less visited than many around here. We went inside after being taken by hand from our vans and led to the school. All the different classes greeted us with songs and dances and poems. They really made us feel welcome.
This orphanage was started two years ago, when a young lady came and saw the conditions of other orphanages. She felt she couldn't leave and so she and a Ugandan friend who himself had grown up in an orphanage looked for a house to take in some kids. They found this piece of property and buildings which had originally been built for a secondary school. But when funds ran out it was left empty. They were able to rent
the property and bring in 80 kids. She said it was difficult in the beginning but much has been accomplished in the last two years. They now have 2 matrons in residence, a school, a nurse, cooks, etc. It is still
hard but
working and getting better.
After we were greeted ( greetings here are usually very long and very formal because they wanted to make sure you feel
really welcome), students showed us around. Again, they took us by hand and showed us their classrooms and their dorms. They are very proud of Musana.
This is one of the girl's dorms. Typical girls.
They served us lunch and afterwards we played games and told Bible stories. It was a very satisfying day. The children were so appreciative of us being there. They seem happy and well adjusted.