Sunday, March 28, 2010

Baptism at Lake Victoria

Mukama Yebazibwe! (Praise the Lord!) Today Lynn and I went to the Life Way Baptist Church for the first time. We met Pastor Kosmos. Lynn ended up preaching again. He didn’t know that he would be called on until they called on him after praise and worship. You always have to be prepared and ready to go. Lynn has several sermons prepared and ready to go AND in his Bible.

After church we drove down to Lake Victoria (about a 10-minute drive) where we had a baptism. This was our first one and there were 11 candidates. When we first drove up, most had not arrived so we had time to look around. To our right was a group of people sitting around and Angela (another missionary) and I noticed that one man was smoking a cigarette and another woman was smoking a pipe. That’s a fairly unusual sight for Kampala. One of the pastors came over a few minutes later and told us that that group of people was waiting to see the local witch doctor who lived just behind the fence. He saidthe lady was probably smoking some kind of drugs “to get her life straight”. We always have the baptisms in the same place partially as a witness to these people.

Andrew Berry gave an explanation of baptism and with him were two pastors interpreting what he said into Luganda and Lwo. It is so good to see it. I saw one lady with a little baby so I volunteered to hold her while Mom and Dad were being baptized. (Someone had to do it.:) When the baptism was finished we also dedicated to the Lord three babies and their parents. This has been a great day!
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

City High School

On Wednesday, we went to City High School to attend their Bible Way Club after school. Bible Way has a series of either 10 or 12 books that are Bible studies the students work through. They learn scripture memory it and answer questions about what they learn. At the end of the fifth book they earn a Bible. It is really cool! There are about 60,000 people going through the series presently.

This young lady was in charge of getting the Bible materials to each student and then turning them in when the student was finished

The small room was filled with 50-60 students. They greeted us very formally and thanked us for coming. We sang worship songs and then divided into groups so that we could learn more about each other. Our team members gave some testimonies and tried to encourage the students. We ourselves were encouraged by what we saw, especially their dedication to learning more about the Bible. Awesome!

These were some boys waiting around after school. As always they wanted to pose for pictures.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Evangelism in the Slums

Monday, March 8 the team went into Nateete slum to share the Gospel. We had to walk in because there are no roads and it had been raining. Lots of standing water but not flooded at the time. This was Lynn and my first time to go out since we have been in language study. It was an amazing experience. Our team divided up into about 6 groups, each with an interpreter. Every home invited us in to share and they were so open to hear the Word. Some were Catholics, some Muslim, but everyone was ready to hear.

There is a lot of sickness in this area because of the tendency to flood. We have had a lot of rain in the last couple of months and this is suppose to be the dry season. Malaria is common, but there are other water-related diseases such as cholera.

This was one of the young ladies that became a believer that day.

Day 2 Musana Orphanage

Saturday we went to Musana Orphanage which is almost three hours away. We chose that one because it is less visited than many around here. We went inside after being taken by hand from our vans and led to the school. All the different classes greeted us with songs and dances and poems. They really made us feel welcome.

This orphanage was started two years ago, when a young lady came and saw the conditions of other orphanages. She felt she couldn't leave and so she and a Ugandan friend who himself had grown up in an orphanage looked for a house to take in some kids. They found this piece of property and buildings which had originally been built for a secondary school. But when funds ran out it was left empty. They were able to rent
the property and bring in 80 kids. She said it was difficult in the beginning but much has been accomplished in the last two years. They now have 2 matrons in residence, a school, a nurse, cooks, etc. It is still
hard but working and getting better.

After we were greeted ( greetings here are usually very long and very formal because they wanted to make sure you feel really welcome), students showed us around. Again, they took us by hand and showed us their classrooms and their dorms. They are very proud of Musana.

This is one of the girl's dorms. Typical girls.

They served us lunch and afterwards we played games and told Bible stories. It was a very satisfying day. The children were so appreciative of us being there. They seem happy and well adjusted.
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Early Team - "The Beginning"

We had a fantastic week with the team from Texas.
I want to tell this story in parts to get more pictures in.

The team from Early, TX arrived March 5. They stayed at the Emmaus Guest house just up the road from us. These young people were ages 17-22 . They were enthusiastic, well-trained , and all of them loved the Lord and were ready to share that love with the people here.

The first day we had an orientation and then we went to exchange money and eat lunch. That was a challenge! You go into the food court --yes, we have one here just like at any mall at home. But the difference is that when you go in and sit down, at least 5-6 waiters will surround you to give you their menu. It is slightly overwhelming because you don't even have a chance to see what kind of foods are available.

That evening we went to our first house church celebration in Katanga. Along with all the adults there are always so many children and they always want to touch you.
And talk.
And have their picture taken.
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